Stadtline 38 | â„– 431

Van de Stadt Design have frequently been approached by customers who want to trade in their sailing yacht for a motorboat but at the same time cannot find drawings advanced enough to compare to Van de Stadt sailing designs.

When, therefore, the editors of the Dutch yachting magazine "de Waterkampioen" launched their Motorboat 2000 campaign and invited Van de Stadt Design to develop a modern and "green" motorboat, the designers had already for some time been toying with the idea of designing one, based on their extensive experience with multi-chine sailing yachts. The STADTLINE 38 is the result of this fruitful co-operation. A handsome 11 metre cruiser built in multi-chine, at home both on the inland waters and offshore.

Prior to building, the STADTLINE 38 was extensively tanktested by Delft University of Technology and proven to be a stable vessel with excellent sea-keeping abilities. A relatively small engine (37KW, 50HP) suffices to reach hull speed. However, bigger engines can be installed and there is room for twin engines.


Van de Stadt Design believe that comfort is designed in rather than added on at a later stage. It follows than a lot of attention has been paid to the accommodation. Below decks, for instance, most of the floorspace is in one plane and the windows are at eye-level. Also, there is plenty of room for six people to be kept in comfort. The owner's cabin in the foreship is spacious, as are the galley and the toilet compartment. The sitting area on starboard can be double as a separate cabin.


The STADTLINE 38 is easy on the environment. Since it is easily driven she only needs a relatively small engine - a result of the experience with fast sailing designs. A sump tank is built in as standard.

The steel and aluminium versions include all expanded plate patterns in ACAD dwg format.

STADTLINE 38S (fast aluminium multi-chine version)

A fast version of the Stadtline 38 was requested by a lot of clients over the years. We decided to design a completely new deep V-shaped lines plan to accommodate two stern drive engines up to 460 Hp to give her a maximum speed of approximately 30 knots. The plans show two Volvo Penta 6 cylinder 230 Hp diesel engines with Duoprop® stern drives.

Building plans are available for aluminium construction only to save weight as much as possible. The deck, cockpit and interior however are equal to the STADTLINE 38.

DIGITAL BOAT PLANS Click on prices to order
BUILDING PLANS: Multi-chine Steel & Aluminium - Quick Assembly
EUR 1350
BUILDING PLANS: Round-bilge Glass-fibre Wood Core
EUR 1600
BUILDING PLANS: Multi-chine Aluminium - Quick Assembly
EUR 2200